August 28, 2023
Tonight, MCS invited the families in our community to spend some time and learn about our Summer Enrichment Program. The faculty shared presentations and highlighted an amazing su...
August 23, 2023
NOTICE: The school phone system is currently being updated. During this time, access to direct lines may be inhibited or unable to connect (including staff access to voicemail mes...

August 17, 2023
The Catskills is home to many stories about catching the big one. It also applies to teacher recruitment. Margaretville Central Schools has recruited another amazing teacher and h...

August 15, 2023
Staff have been working hard to prepare for the upcoming school year, including attending Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) trainings. TCIS is a system that ...

August 14, 2023
In the coming weeks, students and families of MCS will soon learn about our latest innovation for learning known as W.I.N time on our Middle and High School Student's schedule. A ...

August 1, 2023
We invite the entire MCS community to welcome our new Earth Science Teacher, Diane Jurgens. This will be Ms. Jurgens' fifth year teaching Earth Science. Prior to receiving her Ma...

August 1, 2023
Summer Opportunities continue at MCS. We are hosting over 80 kids this week in our Soccer Camp. A special thanks to coordinators Justin Hamm and Amber Johns for organizing this g...

July 28, 2023
The summer crop program has been busy reading the Franny K. Stein: Mad Scientist series. This week, students are challenged to create a monstrous creature (much like the creatures...

July 25, 2023
New this year, we are going to have a student spotlight known as Principally Yours: Getting to Know Our Students.
I first met Dakoda Rosa in the lunchroom schooling a fell...

July 19, 2023
Jenna Hall Tucker is thrilled to be joining the MCS community after relocating to Delaware County from Cleveland, Ohio, where she taught Vocal Music and General music for 16 years...

July 18, 2023
Parents - MCS will be providing organizational binders for all Middle School Students for grades 6-8th. Middle School is a critical time to learn organizational skills for the aca...

July 18, 2023
Parents - Save the date! 6th Grade Orientation is Tuesday September 5th, 2023 from 5:00 - 6:00 PM

July 17, 2023
NEW THIS YEAR - The Go Blue committee has reorganized our Open House to be an engaging night for our students and families. After the event, everyone is welcome to stay for the N...

July 17, 2023
This week, HopeMind Basketball Camp comes to MCS. Today was the first day and many athletic students came to our campus from MCS and the surrounding area.

July 13, 2023
July 31st to August 3rd
Week Long Soccer Clinic at our amazing facility right here in Margaretville.
Grades K-6 will be 9-12 PM
Grades 7-12 will be 1-4 PM

July 12, 2023
Just a reminder to all families, STEM begins Monday July 17th, 2023 Entrepreneurial Spirit/Computer Programming Foundations 9-10AM LEGO Robotics 10-11AM Bitcoin/Esports/Int...

July 9, 2023
Introducing the inaugural Students Display at Longyear Gallery! This is a coordinated effort between AMR Artists and local high school teachers to showcase the work of young and t...

July 7, 2023
Mrs. Osterhoudt reads one of her favorite books!

June 3, 2023
Margaretville Central School is proud to announce Holly VonBernewitz as the Class of 2023 Valedictorian. Holly is the daughter of Randy and Tara VonBernewitz of Arkville, N.Y.